Knitting-in-the Round: Sanquhar Knitting Workshop
Saturday 1 November, 11am-3pm, A’The Airts, Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire
All-day Programme
Small group tours of the Sanquhar Tolbooth Museum focusing on the Sanquhar knitting collection will take place throughout the day
Local knitters will be present throughout the day to demonstrate the tradition of Sanquhar patterns and designs
The Sanquhar knitting project will demonstrate machine knitted Sanquhar – opportunities to try it yourself
TomofHolland will be available to demonstrate his knitting skills
Opportunities to try Sanquhar knitting yourself (wool and needles will be available)
- 11.15: Welcome and Introduction: ‘Scottish knitting in the Scottish landscape’ by Lynn Abrams (History, University of Glasgow, and ‘Knitting in the Round’ project)
- 12.30: ‘Sanquhar Gloves: from piecework to a modern classic’ by Tom van Deijnen (knitter and mender, aka TomofHolland)
- 1.45: ‘The value of making: focus on Sanquhar’ by Fiona Scott (of Makeworks, independent design-led organisation that celebrates making)
Please note: this is an informal event: visitors are invited to drop in at anytime.
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits available; lunch available to purchase in A’ the Airts cafe
Bring your own knitting, share patterns, contribute to some community knitting, or just come along and see what’s going on in the world of knit.
- Blog:
- twitter @glasgowuniknit
- Directions to A’The Airts
- More information on Knitting in the Round
Have you thought of Penguin outfits to promote Sanquhar knitting in Australia?